Business Hours
Rhea Medical Center’s business office is located at the main entrance of the medical center. Hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Payments for services should be mailed to the following address:
Payment Arrangements
All patient balances are due within ten (10) days of receipt of your statement, unless other arrangements are made. Patients can call 423-775-8563 to discuss payment.
Assistance Programs
Rhea Medical Center has a financial assistance program available to help assist patients with their financial responsibilities. Please call 423-775-8563 to discuss this program.
Itemized Bills
For your convenience, itemized bills will be provided upon request.
Separate Billing
You may receive a separate bill from the following medical specialists: emergency physicians, hospitalist, radiologists, anesthesiologists, and pathologists. These practitioners are not employees of Rhea Medical Center. Insurance information provided to Rhea Medical Center will be forwarded to these independent contractors.
For information, please use the contact numbers below:
Emergency Room Physicians
Concord Medical Group
1602 Ave Q
Lubbock, TX 79401
Watson Anesthesia Group
5751 Uptain Road, Suite 100
Chattanooga, TN 37411
Associated Pathologists, PLC
2305 Chambliss Ave.
Cleveland, TN 37311
Cleveland Radiology Associates, PC
P.O. Box 3990
Cleveland, TN 37320-3990
Questions and Answers Concerning Insurance
Q: If my insurance has paid, why do I still have a balance?
A: Insurance does not always pay for deductibles, co-insurance, or any “non-covered” charges. Any portion not covered by insurance will be billed to the responsible party.
Q: What if my insurance does not respond or pay my claim?
A: The Medical Center expects insurance payments within 45 days from billing. If payment is not received, the Medical Center will look to the patient or responsible party for payment on the account.
Q: Who is responsible for providing additional information to the insurance company?
A: This depends on the required information. The Medical Center will make every effort to provide any and all information within its ability. Some information would need to be provided by the doctor or patient. In these situations, it is the patient’s responsibility to ensure information is sent.
Q: How long do you wait for my insurance to pay before it becomes my responsibility?
A: Although 45 days from billing is sufficient for most insurance companies to pay or respond, in some circumstances it may take longer. We will make every effort to bill your insurance and provide requested information, but we do suggest the patient take an active role by calling their insurance company to assure the claim is processed quickly.
Q: What is the amount shown on my statement as “insurance adjustment?”
A: These are discounts your insurance company has negotiated with Rhea Medical Center under a preferred provider arrangement.
Q: Why did my insurance company send me a questionnaire?
A: Insurance companies may need to gather additional information from policyholders before processing payments. Most of the time, they are reviewing for possible pre-existing conditions, to see if services were related to an accident, or most commonly, to verify that you don’t have other insurance that should pay the claim. It is important that you return the information as soon as possible, in order for your claim to be processed.
Q: How do I know if my services require prior authorization from my insurance company?
A: Call your insurance company or refer to your insurance handbook for information pertaining to prior authorization requirements.
Q: Who is responsible for obtaining Pre-Authorizations?
A: In most cases, it is the patient’s responsibility to ensure pre-authorizations are obtained prior to receiving services. The doctor and the medical center will make every effort to obtain or help obtain pre-authorizations, but patients should always call their insurance company to make sure requirements are met.
Miscellaneous Questions and Answers
Q: What is the phone number for Medicare?
A: You can call 1-800-322-3380.
Q: What are “Self Administered Drugs”?
A: These are drugs that are considered non-covered by Medicare. When the following services are provided: observation, outpatient, emergency treatment, or short-stay surgery, any items that could be administered by the patient are considered “self administered” and billable to the patient. Examples would be oral medications, eye ointments, creams, insulin etc.
Q: What is an Observation Bed/Stay?
A: It is sometimes determined that a person should be kept for a period of time for observation only. A patient stay is considered an outpatient observation until a doctor determines that the patient should be admitted as an inpatient or discharged. A patient could be kept 2 to 3 nights as an observation patient.
Q: What is an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) and why are they given?
A: This is a notice to the patient that services ordered by a physician are not covered by Medicare, and therefore payment for these services is due from the patient.
Q: Why did I get a bill when I have Medicare or Tenncare?
A: Most of the time it is due to a lack of complete or adequate information needed to bill Medicare or Tenncare for your services. In some cases the patient may not be covered at the time of service. Please call (423) 775-8563 for more information.